May 15, 2023Liked by Will Poskett

Hi Will

I love your newsletters. The case studies are very insightful. Keep it up.

My only comment would be to keep the newsletter shorter on a regular basis and make the long ones into presentations, like you sometimes do.

No need to apologise for the dyslexia. I've actually been telling people about your stream-of-conciousness/poem like style of writing you used on LinkedIn. I assume it was a way for you to deal with the dyslexia, but for me it was a very distinct style and made you stand out in a sea of sameness. Quite inspiring.

Cheers mate!

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Thanks for taking the time to comment Gunnar!

Good feedback too.

For clarity when you say longer pieces, you mean like the community building is a con piece? I agree would be better as presentation...in fact i am going to work on a bigger piece around it v soon :)

On the dyslexia it never really bothered me & i look at it as a net positive, as my lateral thinking is my super power. I only put it in the sign off because i have been called out by the 'Grammar Nazis' one too many times. (sorry if thats offensive, its a phrase we us in the UK).

Really appreciate the comment thought, i wish there where more dicussions on here. Feels like a one way channel too often.

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Well, actually I was referring to your report, Thriving in Uncertain Times. It doesn't have to be so extensive. I just like that style and format of an article/essay. There's something quintessentially strategist about it.

Same as John Long sometimes does:


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Sigh. No one ever leaves a comment lol

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